Paper & Cardboard Balers

Baler is to reduce the volume of recyclable materials and produce compressed bales by using the powerful force of hydraulic cylinder. Waste Paper Baler is popularly used for continuous compression of wastes with recyclable value such as paper, cardboard and plastics; drum baler used for continuous compression of PET bottles, paper and cardboard. We also sell waste disposal balersplastic baler machines and Agricultural produce balers.


Baler is to reduce the volume of recyclable materials and produce compressed bales by using the powerful force of hydraulic cylinder. Waste Paper Baler is popularly used for continuous compression of wastes with recyclable value such as paper, cardboard and plastics; drum baler used for continuous compression of PET bottles, paper and cardboard. Automatic control by PLC and tight wire coupling can help produce tightly compressed bales and provide users with the convenient and safe operation. The compressed bales allow the users to have more storage space and transportation highly economical. Baler is typically installed on the final discharge section of MSW system.

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